Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You are my sunshine, my ONLY sunshine :/

Dear Lucy,
Some days really suck. It wont take you long after the age of 13 to figure that out (or is it 8 now? man, kids grow up too fast nowadays...). Today was the worst day in a long time for us. Just because everything we were hoping for happened, and then all crashed down in one big pile of MESS.

So I called the phone people and apparently the guy was a big jerk and didn't do his job and so they're sending out an "emergency crew" so that I can actually have a phone tomorrow. Whew. Thank God for that. Unfortunately, Dad got laid off today (surprise?). It wouldn't be our life if a GIANT wrench wasn't thrown in once in awhile (or every second tuesday). I really feel for him since everything is up to him. Must be hard to be the breadwinner. I wish I could help him out with the financial part of it, but I really think I should be home with you. I don't want to fall into the trap so many families do now thinking they need to give more and more and MORE stuff to their kids and neglect to spend time with them. I'm 100% devoted to sacrificing the house, the vehicle, the high speed internet, the cable, the cell phones, the big tv etc so that I can be here with you. You are worth every single second of my day...and up until now...thats about how much we're together :P

I also lost $20. The same $20 I lost before. Only this time I have no idea where it is lol. I'm pretty sure I lost it in church. God wanted to make sure I gave ALL I had I guess :) That's ok, we'll be fine. I'm just wishing I hadn't actually donated the rest of our money LOL.


So just remember, there's always someone worse off than you. And 99.9% of the time that person will be your mom.

<3 ma

edited to add: I forgot to say that there's a reason for the title I chose for this post. After you had a ginormous poo on me while we were playing with the puppies, I brought you up to change you and we had the BEST laugh session ever. We laughed for about 5 minutes straight and then laughed and played for maybe another 5. You just put a big smile on my face in a dark time! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!


  1. Too many hormones in milk these days.

  2. lol. Are you growing boobs? ;) I dont know anybody that drinks more than you! hahahhaa

  3. aw natalie that sucks buttocks about brads job! :( but wow you are such a good mom/wife holy molay. seriously, if you get to the point where you gotta sacrifice yer internet, then i will pay for it. id miss yer fb and blog posts too much!
    (ps, this is mine and debs old blog from 5 yrs ago, and i think you'll get a really big kick out of it!

  4. oh, here is the link

