Friday, January 8, 2010

Maybe it's all my fault.

Dear Lulu,
Last night you were up until 1 again. I'm starting to figure it out, though, I think. You've just adapted to my schedule. You're still asleep at 8:30am, but now I feel guilty....but then, maybe this is just "our" schedule.

We went to bed around 11:30 and you were SOOOOOOOOO happy. It was so cute. I tried to make a movie. It was probably that feeling like...well you wouldn't know yet..but when you're 13 and you and your friend decide you're going to stay up ALL night and you try....and around 2am you're SUPER giddy and laughing about everything when all of a sudden


You're passed out in your sleeping bags, and your friend is SNORING...of all things...(This is a true story, you know who you are!)

So I'm wondering if a new schedule should be something I start to work on. I really enjoy being up early. But I enjoy doing that without you :D Mornings are so peaceful in this town with the fog enveloping our little house. You just make it a little more difficult to relax.

We're off to lunch club today, and I'm glad because even though I never really wanted to go to any baby groups ("Those are so not my thing") I'm somewhat attached to them now. It's nice to meet other new moms, and not so new moms, and listen to what they have to say. What convinced me to go was that I wanted you to be "socialized" bahahahahaha! Like a dog! hahahahhaa. When I got Daisy, I was so scared about her not being socialized that I brought her to the SPCA to play with other dogs. You're just my 3rd puppy :D

I guess it's working since you were sooooooo social yesterday. I hope it continues that way. Couldn't handle a little Anne Frank. (holy bad inside joke...I'm leaving it here anyways!)

So I guess I should finish my tea, and get dressed and prepare the buggy for take off. I hope you're good and motivate me to hoof it home, too. I'm in a cab mood :)

I hope you wake up 5 minutes before we leave and then fall asleep 10 minutes into the walk.

You never know ;)

Love you super mucho!


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