Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year!

Dear Lucy,

Mr. Phil (with any luck - your future math teacher) has convinced me to start a blog and I decided to write you letters because, if I'm going to be honest, I'm a horrible writer. I'm taking the "Blogging for Dummies" approach.

It is now 2010. You will have absolutely no recollection of this date in your life, but believe happened! Since this is technically for your future old age....I should update you I guess. You are 5 months and a couple weeks....whatever that means. You'll be six months old in 6 days. Maybe we'll have a party...maybe you'll end up eating dog hair off the floor...guess we wont know till we get there. A week is like eternity for you. I think.

I've been thinking about some new years resolutions, and of course have come up with some pretty straight forward ones: eat better, exercise more, be a good wife, keep my house clean, spend more time with the dogs. And of course, be a good mom. But I can't really decide what a "good" mom might be. What can I possibly do to be a better mom to a 6 month old. You've already fallen off a chair, and the couch. Yesterday you bashed your head on the coffee table and already today you smashed it on my desk. But I guess it's easier for you to love me if you're slightly brain damaged....

In all seriousness though, I look forward to spending this year with you and you alone (and the dogs of course.....). I have a few exciting plans for us, and it's even better that you're at the age that you are just along for the ride and wont complain.

First stop: Protesting the olympics in Vancouver next month. Even more fun now that Grandma starts her new job with VANOC muahahahahah >:]

Love you lots!


  1. Thanks. Maybe one day I'll be famous like you :D

  2. Lulu's comment of the day:

    ik, i888888 mnnnnny4edddddddsxd5zzzzzzz55555rt446ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt4e555555555555555555f
