It was almost weird this morning to wake up and WOAH! There's Dad. It's pretty cool to see your interaction with him since you obviously haven't seen him in a little while. People think babies have these attention spans of a goldfish, but you seemed to know right away. You even reached out to him! Of course, you still cried if I "disappeared" but I'm going to assume you've simply made that a habit now *sigh*
I'm really glad that you remember him. I hope we don't scar you for life with him randomly showing up and disappearing. At least it's the same guy coming back! I know he's glad to be back with you, and I'm overjoyed for his sake that you aren't treating him like some random street bum.
I'm trying to limber up for our walk to church today, but mannnnn I'm stiff! Brad has already voiced his stance and will be driving. I wish he'd at least give it a shot. It's really quite nice to get outside and enjoy the fact that you're not in a rush. You can't do anything else until you get where you're going. But I guess I understand since it's not that long ago that I was driving to the silliest of places.
Well, I guess I should get ready. You're still asleep with Dad. I know that's his favourite part of the mornings :P
But then you don't windmill the crap out of his chest with your razor claws. I only feel peace when I think about all the strife you're going to cause him between ages 10 and 25. Ahhhhhh
I love you mucho mucho mucho

I just included this picture because you look pretty cute. You and your little walking buddy Grayson :D (Lucy's been picking up younger men for awhile now.)
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