Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beauty and the beasts.........

Dear Lucy,
I don't think you've ever been as outgoing as you were today! You chatted up a storm at baby group. I'm very impressed. And as I write this you are once again practicing some baby vocab. I know I speak for all new mom's when I say that I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for you to start talking. When I express this to people they say, "yeah but then you'll never get her to shut up!"

I could understand how that would be a problem for most people. However, it's about time I had a buddy to chit chat with! It's not me who will care....poor, poor Dad.....

Anyways, so I decided to film you talking and of course you shut up as soon as the camera was on. Strange though.... this morning I started a blog about how you and the dogs interact with each other, which subsequently got "canceled" when I took off this morning. But as I was filming the dogs came up to give you a weensy bit of love. Not normal "puppy love" (as would be defined in our house anyways) but enough to show on the camera that they actually do kind of like you. In particular your smellier body parts....

I can't wait to get a photo/video of you mauling Hudson's jowls. I love it when you torture the beast....

<3 you always! Ma

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