Monday, January 18, 2010


Dear Lulu,
Phil was write when he said it was good to write more than one a day for when the time came that I didn't want to write. Unfortunately, it's not that I didn't want to write, it's that I didn't really have time! It's a lot harder when Dad is home because he gets flusterated if I'm on the computer more than him ;)

You have definitely hopped on the food wagon now. Usually I just give you pieces of veggies to gnaw on and you seem to enjoy that. Cucumber, carrot, peas, etc. You're happy with it all. We haven't spoon fed you in awhile, but I think that comes from being lazy :) That and I really don't want you to stop breastfeeding :/

The weather has been intense the last week. Lots of wind and rain. Our kitchen ceiling has been leaking. One more thing to pay for! And Dad doesn't want to rent....pffft. I'd rather have no equity and be able to just phone someone up to fix stuff for me. Owning a house rather sucks, to be honest. I wish we could just pick up and go wherever we wanted whenever we wanted! Who invented this world where the "dream" is to have 1.8 kids, own a big colonial house, have huge retirement savings, stainless steel appliances, a bmw (in addition to the family van...for your 1.8 kids and their 1.8 friends), go to yoga classes 3 days a week, and tai chi the other 4...

It all sounds so standard now. Irrelevant. There's this internal vice telling me to start packing all my goods away for you when you're older. Don't be surprised if there isn't. Unless Dad gets a reallllly good job in the next little while, it's unlikely that there will be anything extra for anybody in the future :D

I guess there's lots of time to worry about that now. I'm actually not worried about your schooling. I just don't want to own a house anymore. Stupid money pit......

<3 mom.

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