but I made up my mind...
I aint wastin' no more time!!!!!!!!
Dear Lucy,
You have heard me sing you that song wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than any human ever should. But that's ok. Because you have no choice but to listen. And you're the only who does :)
So you gave me a little scare today. ARMY CRAWL! Please be a fluke...I can't bear to have to deal with it now lol. A crawling little baby would definitely be the last nail in the coffin for me. I haven't even cleaned my house totally yet, nevermind baby proofed. But you're already heaving up on your knees and revving up your little engine.
You are putting fear into my heart.
To top it all off, you've been teething badly. Meaning you SCREAM like a banshee for no apparent reason. And it would seem that the only thing that helps is distracting you. Orajel didn't work, gripe water, chewing on stuff. Of course not. The only thing that will make you forget your swollen little gums is watching mom hop around on one foot in a hula skirt with 6 teddy bears while making a stupid face. I'm happy to oblige.
I let you eat oatmeal today. I didn't even check if I was "allowed" to or not. I just did it...because..."F" the "systems". I'm so sick of looking up when to do things and when not to do things. What did people do before the internet? If it was anything like now, they certainly didn't ask their doctors. Getting a hold of my doctor is impossible. Don't see how that would help.....
Anyways. I pumped a little bit yesterday and so I put some milk into the oatmeal and mixed er up. Put it in a bowl and gave you a spoon and let you go for it. Don't know how much made it into your mouth, but you had fun. I'll put up a picture. Maybe we'll do oatmeal again tomorrow and I think our next food will be lentils. I'm really trying to avoid pablum and other cereals. If the first thing I ate was that nasty mush I'd starvation strike. "Teach your child to love food by starting with bland sewage water"
I see the logic.
Anyways. I LOVEEEEEEEEE Lentils. So thats next. Then squash. Maybe pumpkin...mmmmmmmm pumpkin.
Maybe I will enjoy this feeding part. I certainly enjoy the eating part.
Dad's getting ready to leave soon. Before Monday I think. Interesting to see for how long this time. I hope he finds something. He deserves it for all the hard work he's been putting into it. Everything will work out :D
We keep pretty busy. We now have things on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Monday to work around the house. Except city hall meetings on Monday nights.... Oh, and a girls night on one of the saturdays....
WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahahahhahahaha...maybe ;)
Love you so much SO SO SO SO SO much and forever and ever.

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