Dear Lulu,
Here we are, you and me. Back at square one. Dad's gone again :( I'm glad you can't understand how hard it is. This last year has been so difficult for me, starting with spending almost my entire pregnancy alone to now being alone with you and 8 dogs and a house. And it's already spring temperatures so I'm thinking SO much about doing stuff in the yard but there's just no chance it will happen.
Anyways, I wanted you to know that your Dad is my best friend. I love him so much that I hope that you even love the man you marry 1/2 as much. Of course he's not perfect, he drops socks like deer drop poops, he eats way too much junk food, he swears like a sailor, and in general makes more than his share of mistakes.
But he's an amazing guy, and an amazing dad. He will do everything in his power to make sure we're safe. He'll do things like drive 1500 km to a non-existent job in the hopes he'll find something to provide for us. He'll cook dinner every single day....until we run out of dishes (haha). There are just so many small things I can't even write about. How he looks at you just makes me break down. How he plays with you and gives you kisses.
I mean. He's a manly man. GRRRRRRRRRUFF!
<3 you always! Ma
(I'm going to go cry now!)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dear Lucy,
Time goes so fast when your Dad is home!!! I've hardly had a chance to update this thing. Weirdest part is that it's not like we're accomplishing much...just spending time together while he's here :D
The only reason I have a chance now is because I got up before you both, and I'm sitting here listening to you guys chit chat in bed. I'm going to miss the incessant ramblings when he's gone. Both yours and his.
it's a short one today. I may or may not bring you swimming today. Depends how much lazier I get. We've been sick for 3 days....I'm soooo over it.
Hope to God this will pass soon!
<3 Ma
Time goes so fast when your Dad is home!!! I've hardly had a chance to update this thing. Weirdest part is that it's not like we're accomplishing much...just spending time together while he's here :D
The only reason I have a chance now is because I got up before you both, and I'm sitting here listening to you guys chit chat in bed. I'm going to miss the incessant ramblings when he's gone. Both yours and his.
it's a short one today. I may or may not bring you swimming today. Depends how much lazier I get. We've been sick for 3 days....I'm soooo over it.
Hope to God this will pass soon!
<3 Ma
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Goodnight muh dahrlin'
Dear Lu,
I'm just wondering how long it's going to take before it's EASY to get you to sleep by yourself. Right now it's a total eggshell situation.
Step 1: Lay you down EVER........SO..........GENTLY. DO NOT LET GO!
Step 2: Slowly, and I do mean slowly, edge my hands around your not let go.
Step 3: With free hand, move the hand of yours that is still holding onto me.
Step 4: Slowly release hand that is still holding.
Step 5: SLOWLY lift body off of the mattress as though I'm hooked up to some pulley system.
Step 6: Point emphatically at the dogs. Then point at the door. Shake finger repeatedly. Assume they understand you mean get the hell out of the room.
Step 7: Tiptoe at slug speed paying special attention to not step in the spots where the hardwood creaks.
Once I'm out of the room it doesn't seem to matter too much how much noise is made. But until I get outside that door, my heart is just pounding.
I especially enjoy it when I FINALLY get to step 7, and you all of a sudden realize that pillow laying over your body is not an arm.
You have the puniest, whine-cry.
And yet I still refuse to read babywise. Must have something to do with being a sucker.
<3 you always
I'm just wondering how long it's going to take before it's EASY to get you to sleep by yourself. Right now it's a total eggshell situation.
Step 1: Lay you down EVER........SO..........GENTLY. DO NOT LET GO!
Step 2: Slowly, and I do mean slowly, edge my hands around your not let go.
Step 3: With free hand, move the hand of yours that is still holding onto me.
Step 4: Slowly release hand that is still holding.
Step 5: SLOWLY lift body off of the mattress as though I'm hooked up to some pulley system.
Step 6: Point emphatically at the dogs. Then point at the door. Shake finger repeatedly. Assume they understand you mean get the hell out of the room.
Step 7: Tiptoe at slug speed paying special attention to not step in the spots where the hardwood creaks.
Once I'm out of the room it doesn't seem to matter too much how much noise is made. But until I get outside that door, my heart is just pounding.
I especially enjoy it when I FINALLY get to step 7, and you all of a sudden realize that pillow laying over your body is not an arm.
You have the puniest, whine-cry.
And yet I still refuse to read babywise. Must have something to do with being a sucker.
<3 you always
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dear Lucy
So I was sitting here on the computer playing with you in my lap when it finally smacked me in the face. You DO look different! I guess when you're with someone 24/7 you really don't notice how quickly things change, but you're becoming a little person! You don't seem even 1/2 as fragile as you did before. Your head is HUMONGOUS. You smile like crazy, have some REAL HAIR! Not just that wispy baby crap. It was almost overwhelming. Everyone always says to treasure the time that your baby is small, that it goes so fast. And it does!
But I'm glad it's over. I like you much more how you are now. I'll leave the boring babies for the sentimental mom-types.
Can't wait til you can punch the dog.....GROW FASTER!
Love ma

So I was sitting here on the computer playing with you in my lap when it finally smacked me in the face. You DO look different! I guess when you're with someone 24/7 you really don't notice how quickly things change, but you're becoming a little person! You don't seem even 1/2 as fragile as you did before. Your head is HUMONGOUS. You smile like crazy, have some REAL HAIR! Not just that wispy baby crap. It was almost overwhelming. Everyone always says to treasure the time that your baby is small, that it goes so fast. And it does!
But I'm glad it's over. I like you much more how you are now. I'll leave the boring babies for the sentimental mom-types.
Can't wait til you can punch the dog.....GROW FASTER!
Love ma

Dear Lulu,
Phil was write when he said it was good to write more than one a day for when the time came that I didn't want to write. Unfortunately, it's not that I didn't want to write, it's that I didn't really have time! It's a lot harder when Dad is home because he gets flusterated if I'm on the computer more than him ;)
You have definitely hopped on the food wagon now. Usually I just give you pieces of veggies to gnaw on and you seem to enjoy that. Cucumber, carrot, peas, etc. You're happy with it all. We haven't spoon fed you in awhile, but I think that comes from being lazy :) That and I really don't want you to stop breastfeeding :/
The weather has been intense the last week. Lots of wind and rain. Our kitchen ceiling has been leaking. One more thing to pay for! And Dad doesn't want to rent....pffft. I'd rather have no equity and be able to just phone someone up to fix stuff for me. Owning a house rather sucks, to be honest. I wish we could just pick up and go wherever we wanted whenever we wanted! Who invented this world where the "dream" is to have 1.8 kids, own a big colonial house, have huge retirement savings, stainless steel appliances, a bmw (in addition to the family van...for your 1.8 kids and their 1.8 friends), go to yoga classes 3 days a week, and tai chi the other 4...
It all sounds so standard now. Irrelevant. There's this internal vice telling me to start packing all my goods away for you when you're older. Don't be surprised if there isn't. Unless Dad gets a reallllly good job in the next little while, it's unlikely that there will be anything extra for anybody in the future :D
I guess there's lots of time to worry about that now. I'm actually not worried about your schooling. I just don't want to own a house anymore. Stupid money pit......
<3 mom.
Phil was write when he said it was good to write more than one a day for when the time came that I didn't want to write. Unfortunately, it's not that I didn't want to write, it's that I didn't really have time! It's a lot harder when Dad is home because he gets flusterated if I'm on the computer more than him ;)
You have definitely hopped on the food wagon now. Usually I just give you pieces of veggies to gnaw on and you seem to enjoy that. Cucumber, carrot, peas, etc. You're happy with it all. We haven't spoon fed you in awhile, but I think that comes from being lazy :) That and I really don't want you to stop breastfeeding :/
The weather has been intense the last week. Lots of wind and rain. Our kitchen ceiling has been leaking. One more thing to pay for! And Dad doesn't want to rent....pffft. I'd rather have no equity and be able to just phone someone up to fix stuff for me. Owning a house rather sucks, to be honest. I wish we could just pick up and go wherever we wanted whenever we wanted! Who invented this world where the "dream" is to have 1.8 kids, own a big colonial house, have huge retirement savings, stainless steel appliances, a bmw (in addition to the family van...for your 1.8 kids and their 1.8 friends), go to yoga classes 3 days a week, and tai chi the other 4...
It all sounds so standard now. Irrelevant. There's this internal vice telling me to start packing all my goods away for you when you're older. Don't be surprised if there isn't. Unless Dad gets a reallllly good job in the next little while, it's unlikely that there will be anything extra for anybody in the future :D
I guess there's lots of time to worry about that now. I'm actually not worried about your schooling. I just don't want to own a house anymore. Stupid money pit......
<3 mom.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Here I go again on my own! doo doo dooo dooo
but I made up my mind...
I aint wastin' no more time!!!!!!!!
Dear Lucy,
You have heard me sing you that song wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than any human ever should. But that's ok. Because you have no choice but to listen. And you're the only who does :)
So you gave me a little scare today. ARMY CRAWL! Please be a fluke...I can't bear to have to deal with it now lol. A crawling little baby would definitely be the last nail in the coffin for me. I haven't even cleaned my house totally yet, nevermind baby proofed. But you're already heaving up on your knees and revving up your little engine.
You are putting fear into my heart.
To top it all off, you've been teething badly. Meaning you SCREAM like a banshee for no apparent reason. And it would seem that the only thing that helps is distracting you. Orajel didn't work, gripe water, chewing on stuff. Of course not. The only thing that will make you forget your swollen little gums is watching mom hop around on one foot in a hula skirt with 6 teddy bears while making a stupid face. I'm happy to oblige.
I let you eat oatmeal today. I didn't even check if I was "allowed" to or not. I just did it...because..."F" the "systems". I'm so sick of looking up when to do things and when not to do things. What did people do before the internet? If it was anything like now, they certainly didn't ask their doctors. Getting a hold of my doctor is impossible. Don't see how that would help.....
Anyways. I pumped a little bit yesterday and so I put some milk into the oatmeal and mixed er up. Put it in a bowl and gave you a spoon and let you go for it. Don't know how much made it into your mouth, but you had fun. I'll put up a picture. Maybe we'll do oatmeal again tomorrow and I think our next food will be lentils. I'm really trying to avoid pablum and other cereals. If the first thing I ate was that nasty mush I'd starvation strike. "Teach your child to love food by starting with bland sewage water"
I see the logic.
Anyways. I LOVEEEEEEEEE Lentils. So thats next. Then squash. Maybe pumpkin...mmmmmmmm pumpkin.
Maybe I will enjoy this feeding part. I certainly enjoy the eating part.
Dad's getting ready to leave soon. Before Monday I think. Interesting to see for how long this time. I hope he finds something. He deserves it for all the hard work he's been putting into it. Everything will work out :D
We keep pretty busy. We now have things on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Monday to work around the house. Except city hall meetings on Monday nights.... Oh, and a girls night on one of the saturdays....
WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahahahhahahaha...maybe ;)
Love you so much SO SO SO SO SO much and forever and ever.
but I made up my mind...
I aint wastin' no more time!!!!!!!!
Dear Lucy,
You have heard me sing you that song wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than any human ever should. But that's ok. Because you have no choice but to listen. And you're the only who does :)
So you gave me a little scare today. ARMY CRAWL! Please be a fluke...I can't bear to have to deal with it now lol. A crawling little baby would definitely be the last nail in the coffin for me. I haven't even cleaned my house totally yet, nevermind baby proofed. But you're already heaving up on your knees and revving up your little engine.
You are putting fear into my heart.
To top it all off, you've been teething badly. Meaning you SCREAM like a banshee for no apparent reason. And it would seem that the only thing that helps is distracting you. Orajel didn't work, gripe water, chewing on stuff. Of course not. The only thing that will make you forget your swollen little gums is watching mom hop around on one foot in a hula skirt with 6 teddy bears while making a stupid face. I'm happy to oblige.
I let you eat oatmeal today. I didn't even check if I was "allowed" to or not. I just did it...because..."F" the "systems". I'm so sick of looking up when to do things and when not to do things. What did people do before the internet? If it was anything like now, they certainly didn't ask their doctors. Getting a hold of my doctor is impossible. Don't see how that would help.....
Anyways. I pumped a little bit yesterday and so I put some milk into the oatmeal and mixed er up. Put it in a bowl and gave you a spoon and let you go for it. Don't know how much made it into your mouth, but you had fun. I'll put up a picture. Maybe we'll do oatmeal again tomorrow and I think our next food will be lentils. I'm really trying to avoid pablum and other cereals. If the first thing I ate was that nasty mush I'd starvation strike. "Teach your child to love food by starting with bland sewage water"
I see the logic.
Anyways. I LOVEEEEEEEEE Lentils. So thats next. Then squash. Maybe pumpkin...mmmmmmmm pumpkin.
Maybe I will enjoy this feeding part. I certainly enjoy the eating part.
Dad's getting ready to leave soon. Before Monday I think. Interesting to see for how long this time. I hope he finds something. He deserves it for all the hard work he's been putting into it. Everything will work out :D
We keep pretty busy. We now have things on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Monday to work around the house. Except city hall meetings on Monday nights.... Oh, and a girls night on one of the saturdays....
WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahahahhahahaha...maybe ;)
Love you so much SO SO SO SO SO much and forever and ever.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time flies!
Dear Lulu,
I didn't even realize that I hadn't written in 2 days! I just haven't been on the ball since Dad came home. Seems like everything piles up and then we have to take care of it all at once.
Today at baby group I noticed something peculiar. You made a very admirable attempt at crawling!?!?! I REALLY hope that this isn't something you surprise me with in the next couple weeks. Particularly not if it happens after Dad leaves again. I get the feeling you were watching little Ryder zoom around on Sunday night and took a few mental notes. This is one milestone I'm not looking forward to.
Yesterday, we caved in to another milestone. One I've been vocally avoiding. We fed you solids. Like full out sat you down and spoon fed you (as opposed to me just letting you monkey around with goopy foods. Something about a baby with goopy food everywhere just tickles my funny bone). You had sweet potato again. You HATED it when I let you play with it. But this time it was mushed up REAL good and you gobbled it up. So we let you have a little more today. Guess we'll just progress from here. It had to happen.
Tina just might be delighted to know that I took her advice and let you munch on a bone. That's right...I gave my daughter a bone to chew on. Like she's one of the dog pack.
This didn't seem so strange until I realized that we talk to you in puppy commands. "Lulu, give. Give the spoon, Lulu. Giiiiivvveeeee.......GOOD GIRL!"
<3 ma
I didn't even realize that I hadn't written in 2 days! I just haven't been on the ball since Dad came home. Seems like everything piles up and then we have to take care of it all at once.
Today at baby group I noticed something peculiar. You made a very admirable attempt at crawling!?!?! I REALLY hope that this isn't something you surprise me with in the next couple weeks. Particularly not if it happens after Dad leaves again. I get the feeling you were watching little Ryder zoom around on Sunday night and took a few mental notes. This is one milestone I'm not looking forward to.
Yesterday, we caved in to another milestone. One I've been vocally avoiding. We fed you solids. Like full out sat you down and spoon fed you (as opposed to me just letting you monkey around with goopy foods. Something about a baby with goopy food everywhere just tickles my funny bone). You had sweet potato again. You HATED it when I let you play with it. But this time it was mushed up REAL good and you gobbled it up. So we let you have a little more today. Guess we'll just progress from here. It had to happen.
Tina just might be delighted to know that I took her advice and let you munch on a bone. That's right...I gave my daughter a bone to chew on. Like she's one of the dog pack.
This didn't seem so strange until I realized that we talk to you in puppy commands. "Lulu, give. Give the spoon, Lulu. Giiiiivvveeeee.......GOOD GIRL!"
<3 ma
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Here comes the rainnnn again! Falling on my head like a.......
Dear Lucy!
It's your second storm ever! And this one is gonna be way better than the first one. Up to 200mm of rain over the next day and windy! I hope the power goes out :D I can't wait until you're older and we get to light a fire and roast marshmallows in it and tell scary stories and play monopoly...and cheat at monopoly and make your dad mad...!
Storms are by far the best thing ever.
We just watched District 9. I told your Dad there was going to be a time when he couldn't just put a movie like that on tv. He said it was ok. You and I could go to bed and he would watch it alone.....SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad. But you did fall asleep during it. So that's good! Don't know how.
We sold a puppy today Lucy. I'm so glad that they're starting to go now, but so sad :/ And so concerned! I hope they all end up in good, loving homes. I always thought it strange that when we got our dog, the owners never cared to follow up. I'm telling all these families that when they take one of these puppies, they're attached to me for life. Email is my favourite!
Ok so this blog was hardly even about you. But it was about my day! So that counts right?
Definitely bed time :) Will write more toooooooooooooomorrrow! (hopefully the internet stays ON :D)
<3 you! Ma
Dear Lucy!
It's your second storm ever! And this one is gonna be way better than the first one. Up to 200mm of rain over the next day and windy! I hope the power goes out :D I can't wait until you're older and we get to light a fire and roast marshmallows in it and tell scary stories and play monopoly...and cheat at monopoly and make your dad mad...!
Storms are by far the best thing ever.
We just watched District 9. I told your Dad there was going to be a time when he couldn't just put a movie like that on tv. He said it was ok. You and I could go to bed and he would watch it alone.....SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad. But you did fall asleep during it. So that's good! Don't know how.
We sold a puppy today Lucy. I'm so glad that they're starting to go now, but so sad :/ And so concerned! I hope they all end up in good, loving homes. I always thought it strange that when we got our dog, the owners never cared to follow up. I'm telling all these families that when they take one of these puppies, they're attached to me for life. Email is my favourite!
Ok so this blog was hardly even about you. But it was about my day! So that counts right?
Definitely bed time :) Will write more toooooooooooooomorrrow! (hopefully the internet stays ON :D)
<3 you! Ma
Dear Lulu,
It was almost weird this morning to wake up and WOAH! There's Dad. It's pretty cool to see your interaction with him since you obviously haven't seen him in a little while. People think babies have these attention spans of a goldfish, but you seemed to know right away. You even reached out to him! Of course, you still cried if I "disappeared" but I'm going to assume you've simply made that a habit now *sigh*
I'm really glad that you remember him. I hope we don't scar you for life with him randomly showing up and disappearing. At least it's the same guy coming back! I know he's glad to be back with you, and I'm overjoyed for his sake that you aren't treating him like some random street bum.
I'm trying to limber up for our walk to church today, but mannnnn I'm stiff! Brad has already voiced his stance and will be driving. I wish he'd at least give it a shot. It's really quite nice to get outside and enjoy the fact that you're not in a rush. You can't do anything else until you get where you're going. But I guess I understand since it's not that long ago that I was driving to the silliest of places.
Well, I guess I should get ready. You're still asleep with Dad. I know that's his favourite part of the mornings :P
But then you don't windmill the crap out of his chest with your razor claws. I only feel peace when I think about all the strife you're going to cause him between ages 10 and 25. Ahhhhhh
I love you mucho mucho mucho

I just included this picture because you look pretty cute. You and your little walking buddy Grayson :D (Lucy's been picking up younger men for awhile now.)
It was almost weird this morning to wake up and WOAH! There's Dad. It's pretty cool to see your interaction with him since you obviously haven't seen him in a little while. People think babies have these attention spans of a goldfish, but you seemed to know right away. You even reached out to him! Of course, you still cried if I "disappeared" but I'm going to assume you've simply made that a habit now *sigh*
I'm really glad that you remember him. I hope we don't scar you for life with him randomly showing up and disappearing. At least it's the same guy coming back! I know he's glad to be back with you, and I'm overjoyed for his sake that you aren't treating him like some random street bum.
I'm trying to limber up for our walk to church today, but mannnnn I'm stiff! Brad has already voiced his stance and will be driving. I wish he'd at least give it a shot. It's really quite nice to get outside and enjoy the fact that you're not in a rush. You can't do anything else until you get where you're going. But I guess I understand since it's not that long ago that I was driving to the silliest of places.
Well, I guess I should get ready. You're still asleep with Dad. I know that's his favourite part of the mornings :P
But then you don't windmill the crap out of his chest with your razor claws. I only feel peace when I think about all the strife you're going to cause him between ages 10 and 25. Ahhhhhh
I love you mucho mucho mucho

I just included this picture because you look pretty cute. You and your little walking buddy Grayson :D (Lucy's been picking up younger men for awhile now.)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hip Hip Hooray!
Dear Lucy,
Daddy's coming home! Just called to say he'd be on the 5:00 ferry. But there's bad news, too. Mom was napping when he called. Bahaha 90% sure the house will be a disaster when he gets here. Cross off being cleaner from the new years resolution list.
It's worth it though. You seem to be having an off day....randomly crying, not happy anywhere. So we just laid down together and you drifted off while filling up your little gut. I think I just sort of passed out. I haven't had a nap in so long! It felt so good to not really care about the mess, or walking the dogs, or anything really except making sure that you fell asleep comfortably. I think I will add to my new years resolution list to take a nap more often. Even if its just once a week or two. Being able to lay down for 1/2 an hour feels soooooooooooooooo good!
The one thing you did do today was actually use your jolly jumper!!! I was starting to think I should have bought you the "jolly hang here limply and cry". I'm so happy I got to see your face light up when you realized that you were actually able to put your own life in jeopardy. I should have gotten one that you can't fly out the top of.
I've 100% decided to put off solid foods another month. Then I'll start digging out the plastic baby spoons again. I'm not ready yet.
It's about me. It's always about me!
Love you tons!
PS: How do you feel about pumpkin puree? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Daddy's coming home! Just called to say he'd be on the 5:00 ferry. But there's bad news, too. Mom was napping when he called. Bahaha 90% sure the house will be a disaster when he gets here. Cross off being cleaner from the new years resolution list.
It's worth it though. You seem to be having an off day....randomly crying, not happy anywhere. So we just laid down together and you drifted off while filling up your little gut. I think I just sort of passed out. I haven't had a nap in so long! It felt so good to not really care about the mess, or walking the dogs, or anything really except making sure that you fell asleep comfortably. I think I will add to my new years resolution list to take a nap more often. Even if its just once a week or two. Being able to lay down for 1/2 an hour feels soooooooooooooooo good!
The one thing you did do today was actually use your jolly jumper!!! I was starting to think I should have bought you the "jolly hang here limply and cry". I'm so happy I got to see your face light up when you realized that you were actually able to put your own life in jeopardy. I should have gotten one that you can't fly out the top of.
I've 100% decided to put off solid foods another month. Then I'll start digging out the plastic baby spoons again. I'm not ready yet.
It's about me. It's always about me!
Love you tons!
PS: How do you feel about pumpkin puree? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Friday, January 8, 2010
Birth Story
Ok Lucy,
So, if I haven't complained about it enough to you by the time you're ready to read this, I guess now is the time. I have had the suggestion that I should write out my birth story for you. My first thought was, do I really want to relive it AGAIN (you all know how many times you talk about it after the fact....gets kind of repetitive! :P) But really, you weren't that bad. When I compare my labour with other people I feel really, really most ways.
You were also probably the easiest pregnancy ever. In the beginning I was tired a lot. But that was it. I never puked. Not even once. I might have felt queasy a couple times. But nothing major. I had VERY mild symptoms. Even when I went to the hospital at 34 weeks I didn't think there was anything going on. THANK GOD for Trish who convinced me to go to the hospital lol. Otherwise you might have been born at home :D
So I went to the hospital with nothing because I always think I'm over reacting. And of course they sent me to Nanaimo (after determining I was actually in labour...who knew?) because Port Alberni's Ob/Gyn decided to go on vacation that day. So you and I had a most excellent ambulance ride at 3am. The driver even turned the lights on when he got close to someone on the highway. And so we got to Nanaimo and they stopped the labour from progressing. Stuck you back in sucker. There was a benefit to this! I got to see Dad, because he rushed home (for nothing? maybe, maybe not :P), and I also got to get another ultrasound of you! Of looked REALLY weird. I was almost scared to have you. Mogwai baby.
Anyways, THEY WOULDN'T LET ME LEAVE! I was stuck in that damn hospital for 2 weeks. With no time to set up care for my dogs, or pack a bag. I had no toothbrush. Zip. I lived like an inmate until I was FINALLY at 36 weeks pregnant. Which apparently is when Port Alberni feels comfortable delivering babies. I spent two weeks being insulted by nurses who felt that "they shouldn't even be keeping [me] there, I was just taking up a bed", and eating hospital food, doing STUPID puzzles, playing solitaire on my phone and listening to about 100 women a day scream bloody murder while birthing babies. And you wouldn't budge! I'm pretty much 100% sure I had a hind leak that whole time so I'm luck you don't have cerebral palsy or something (ignorant, maybe. I dont know what causes cerebral palsy).
ANYWAYS! YAY! I got to go home at 36 weeks. But guess what... There was a stipulation. I had to take an ambulance again. What the heck? ROFL So off we went again...zoooooooooooooooooom weeeeeooooowweeeeooooo. Lights on again! it would have been more exciting if I wasn't strapped to a board.
Get to the hospital when the great and wonderful Ob/Gyn was back from his glorious vacation. If only I'd been so lucky. He did the 5 point inspection and told me I wouldn't make it til Thursday (it was Sunday...)
So I went home and...I opened the door and....i almost fell to my knees. My house..was....DISGUSTING! My dogs had ravaged the place (yes someone was watching them...apparently just letting them out to go to the bathroom and not playing with them....). It was the most horrible thing to come home to ever.
So I slept on the couch and envisioned how I'd spend the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy cleaning up this disaster.
I woke up Monday morning and went and rented a carpet cleaner with an upholstery attachment. And I cleaned my couches, and my mattress (which was dirty from the dogs...grrrr) and anything else that I could. And I tried to clean up the rest of the house, but I was really not much else got done. And I went and rented two movies, movies I knew Brad would NEVER watch with me hahah: He's just not that into you, and Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Then I fell blissfully asleep with you rumbling around deep within. Little did I know....
That you were just waiting for me to get home before trying again. You're just like your father...inconvenient. So I woke up at 2:40am on July 7th in pain. Not that bad, but I pretty much knew it was on this time. 10 minutes later I had another one, so I called your Dad, he told me to go back to bed it was probably nothing again ROFL
I told him this was it and he better get on the 6:30 ferry. Then I called your Grandma Sue to come and pick me up. But nobody answered. So I figured I'd just wait a little're supposed to ride out the easy stuff at home, right? hahahaha
Then I had another one..10 minutes later. This one curled me up into a little ball ROFL. And then, thank God, your grandma called me back. She came and got me...and this time...I packed a damn bag. It was like speed packing! I was amazing.
Anyways, got the hospital at 3:30, and we were already at 5cm! You have no idea what that means.
Then...they checked at 4:00 and we were 9! They couldn't believe it. Like I said...awesome. The doctor wasn't there yet, so I conveniently informed them that I felt like I was going to push. They said...dont push. I said...too bad! They said...pant. So I tried that...sort of worked...but it's kind of weird to be laying in this bed panting. The contractions weren't that bad. I think I had maybe 2 that had me white knuckling the sides of the bed. Finally they let me push and after an hour and a half you came out like a jello jiggler at 6:52am.
Dad was on the ferry with Granny Sharon. Mom had chewed up 1/2 the squatting bar. But you were out!
That's pretty much the story. The first thing I said to you was "Thank God you're cute!"
I'll never get that ultrasound picture out of my mind..
Love you always!
So, if I haven't complained about it enough to you by the time you're ready to read this, I guess now is the time. I have had the suggestion that I should write out my birth story for you. My first thought was, do I really want to relive it AGAIN (you all know how many times you talk about it after the fact....gets kind of repetitive! :P) But really, you weren't that bad. When I compare my labour with other people I feel really, really most ways.
You were also probably the easiest pregnancy ever. In the beginning I was tired a lot. But that was it. I never puked. Not even once. I might have felt queasy a couple times. But nothing major. I had VERY mild symptoms. Even when I went to the hospital at 34 weeks I didn't think there was anything going on. THANK GOD for Trish who convinced me to go to the hospital lol. Otherwise you might have been born at home :D
So I went to the hospital with nothing because I always think I'm over reacting. And of course they sent me to Nanaimo (after determining I was actually in labour...who knew?) because Port Alberni's Ob/Gyn decided to go on vacation that day. So you and I had a most excellent ambulance ride at 3am. The driver even turned the lights on when he got close to someone on the highway. And so we got to Nanaimo and they stopped the labour from progressing. Stuck you back in sucker. There was a benefit to this! I got to see Dad, because he rushed home (for nothing? maybe, maybe not :P), and I also got to get another ultrasound of you! Of looked REALLY weird. I was almost scared to have you. Mogwai baby.
Anyways, THEY WOULDN'T LET ME LEAVE! I was stuck in that damn hospital for 2 weeks. With no time to set up care for my dogs, or pack a bag. I had no toothbrush. Zip. I lived like an inmate until I was FINALLY at 36 weeks pregnant. Which apparently is when Port Alberni feels comfortable delivering babies. I spent two weeks being insulted by nurses who felt that "they shouldn't even be keeping [me] there, I was just taking up a bed", and eating hospital food, doing STUPID puzzles, playing solitaire on my phone and listening to about 100 women a day scream bloody murder while birthing babies. And you wouldn't budge! I'm pretty much 100% sure I had a hind leak that whole time so I'm luck you don't have cerebral palsy or something (ignorant, maybe. I dont know what causes cerebral palsy).
ANYWAYS! YAY! I got to go home at 36 weeks. But guess what... There was a stipulation. I had to take an ambulance again. What the heck? ROFL So off we went again...zoooooooooooooooooom weeeeeooooowweeeeooooo. Lights on again! it would have been more exciting if I wasn't strapped to a board.
Get to the hospital when the great and wonderful Ob/Gyn was back from his glorious vacation. If only I'd been so lucky. He did the 5 point inspection and told me I wouldn't make it til Thursday (it was Sunday...)
So I went home and...I opened the door and....i almost fell to my knees. My house..was....DISGUSTING! My dogs had ravaged the place (yes someone was watching them...apparently just letting them out to go to the bathroom and not playing with them....). It was the most horrible thing to come home to ever.
So I slept on the couch and envisioned how I'd spend the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy cleaning up this disaster.
I woke up Monday morning and went and rented a carpet cleaner with an upholstery attachment. And I cleaned my couches, and my mattress (which was dirty from the dogs...grrrr) and anything else that I could. And I tried to clean up the rest of the house, but I was really not much else got done. And I went and rented two movies, movies I knew Brad would NEVER watch with me hahah: He's just not that into you, and Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Then I fell blissfully asleep with you rumbling around deep within. Little did I know....
That you were just waiting for me to get home before trying again. You're just like your father...inconvenient. So I woke up at 2:40am on July 7th in pain. Not that bad, but I pretty much knew it was on this time. 10 minutes later I had another one, so I called your Dad, he told me to go back to bed it was probably nothing again ROFL
I told him this was it and he better get on the 6:30 ferry. Then I called your Grandma Sue to come and pick me up. But nobody answered. So I figured I'd just wait a little're supposed to ride out the easy stuff at home, right? hahahaha
Then I had another one..10 minutes later. This one curled me up into a little ball ROFL. And then, thank God, your grandma called me back. She came and got me...and this time...I packed a damn bag. It was like speed packing! I was amazing.
Anyways, got the hospital at 3:30, and we were already at 5cm! You have no idea what that means.
Then...they checked at 4:00 and we were 9! They couldn't believe it. Like I said...awesome. The doctor wasn't there yet, so I conveniently informed them that I felt like I was going to push. They said...dont push. I said...too bad! They said...pant. So I tried that...sort of worked...but it's kind of weird to be laying in this bed panting. The contractions weren't that bad. I think I had maybe 2 that had me white knuckling the sides of the bed. Finally they let me push and after an hour and a half you came out like a jello jiggler at 6:52am.
Dad was on the ferry with Granny Sharon. Mom had chewed up 1/2 the squatting bar. But you were out!
That's pretty much the story. The first thing I said to you was "Thank God you're cute!"
I'll never get that ultrasound picture out of my mind..
Love you always!
Lucy loo.....
Sometimes nothing goes right. No matter how hard you try to get out of your little hole you just keeping digging deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.
This is just my little note to say don't give up. Mom and dad have been digging themselves deeper for the last couple years, and there is no end in sight. But somewhere...just a little further down, we'll find the "light at the end of the tunnel". As long as we keep trying to listen to what God is saying to us we can't get lost!
I'm so glad you wont remember these days :D
<3 you forever and always
Sometimes nothing goes right. No matter how hard you try to get out of your little hole you just keeping digging deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.
This is just my little note to say don't give up. Mom and dad have been digging themselves deeper for the last couple years, and there is no end in sight. But somewhere...just a little further down, we'll find the "light at the end of the tunnel". As long as we keep trying to listen to what God is saying to us we can't get lost!
I'm so glad you wont remember these days :D
<3 you forever and always
Maybe it's all my fault.
Dear Lulu,
Last night you were up until 1 again. I'm starting to figure it out, though, I think. You've just adapted to my schedule. You're still asleep at 8:30am, but now I feel guilty....but then, maybe this is just "our" schedule.
We went to bed around 11:30 and you were SOOOOOOOOO happy. It was so cute. I tried to make a movie. It was probably that feeling like...well you wouldn't know yet..but when you're 13 and you and your friend decide you're going to stay up ALL night and you try....and around 2am you're SUPER giddy and laughing about everything when all of a sudden
You're passed out in your sleeping bags, and your friend is SNORING...of all things...(This is a true story, you know who you are!)
So I'm wondering if a new schedule should be something I start to work on. I really enjoy being up early. But I enjoy doing that without you :D Mornings are so peaceful in this town with the fog enveloping our little house. You just make it a little more difficult to relax.
We're off to lunch club today, and I'm glad because even though I never really wanted to go to any baby groups ("Those are so not my thing") I'm somewhat attached to them now. It's nice to meet other new moms, and not so new moms, and listen to what they have to say. What convinced me to go was that I wanted you to be "socialized" bahahahahaha! Like a dog! hahahahhaa. When I got Daisy, I was so scared about her not being socialized that I brought her to the SPCA to play with other dogs. You're just my 3rd puppy :D
I guess it's working since you were sooooooo social yesterday. I hope it continues that way. Couldn't handle a little Anne Frank. (holy bad inside joke...I'm leaving it here anyways!)
So I guess I should finish my tea, and get dressed and prepare the buggy for take off. I hope you're good and motivate me to hoof it home, too. I'm in a cab mood :)
I hope you wake up 5 minutes before we leave and then fall asleep 10 minutes into the walk.
You never know ;)
Love you super mucho!
Last night you were up until 1 again. I'm starting to figure it out, though, I think. You've just adapted to my schedule. You're still asleep at 8:30am, but now I feel guilty....but then, maybe this is just "our" schedule.
We went to bed around 11:30 and you were SOOOOOOOOO happy. It was so cute. I tried to make a movie. It was probably that feeling like...well you wouldn't know yet..but when you're 13 and you and your friend decide you're going to stay up ALL night and you try....and around 2am you're SUPER giddy and laughing about everything when all of a sudden
You're passed out in your sleeping bags, and your friend is SNORING...of all things...(This is a true story, you know who you are!)
So I'm wondering if a new schedule should be something I start to work on. I really enjoy being up early. But I enjoy doing that without you :D Mornings are so peaceful in this town with the fog enveloping our little house. You just make it a little more difficult to relax.
We're off to lunch club today, and I'm glad because even though I never really wanted to go to any baby groups ("Those are so not my thing") I'm somewhat attached to them now. It's nice to meet other new moms, and not so new moms, and listen to what they have to say. What convinced me to go was that I wanted you to be "socialized" bahahahahaha! Like a dog! hahahahhaa. When I got Daisy, I was so scared about her not being socialized that I brought her to the SPCA to play with other dogs. You're just my 3rd puppy :D
I guess it's working since you were sooooooo social yesterday. I hope it continues that way. Couldn't handle a little Anne Frank. (holy bad inside joke...I'm leaving it here anyways!)
So I guess I should finish my tea, and get dressed and prepare the buggy for take off. I hope you're good and motivate me to hoof it home, too. I'm in a cab mood :)
I hope you wake up 5 minutes before we leave and then fall asleep 10 minutes into the walk.
You never know ;)
Love you super mucho!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Beauty and the beasts.........
Dear Lucy,
I don't think you've ever been as outgoing as you were today! You chatted up a storm at baby group. I'm very impressed. And as I write this you are once again practicing some baby vocab. I know I speak for all new mom's when I say that I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for you to start talking. When I express this to people they say, "yeah but then you'll never get her to shut up!"
I could understand how that would be a problem for most people. However, it's about time I had a buddy to chit chat with! It's not me who will care....poor, poor Dad.....
Anyways, so I decided to film you talking and of course you shut up as soon as the camera was on. Strange though.... this morning I started a blog about how you and the dogs interact with each other, which subsequently got "canceled" when I took off this morning. But as I was filming the dogs came up to give you a weensy bit of love. Not normal "puppy love" (as would be defined in our house anyways) but enough to show on the camera that they actually do kind of like you. In particular your smellier body parts....
I can't wait to get a photo/video of you mauling Hudson's jowls. I love it when you torture the beast....
<3 you always! Ma
I don't think you've ever been as outgoing as you were today! You chatted up a storm at baby group. I'm very impressed. And as I write this you are once again practicing some baby vocab. I know I speak for all new mom's when I say that I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for you to start talking. When I express this to people they say, "yeah but then you'll never get her to shut up!"
I could understand how that would be a problem for most people. However, it's about time I had a buddy to chit chat with! It's not me who will care....poor, poor Dad.....
Anyways, so I decided to film you talking and of course you shut up as soon as the camera was on. Strange though.... this morning I started a blog about how you and the dogs interact with each other, which subsequently got "canceled" when I took off this morning. But as I was filming the dogs came up to give you a weensy bit of love. Not normal "puppy love" (as would be defined in our house anyways) but enough to show on the camera that they actually do kind of like you. In particular your smellier body parts....
I can't wait to get a photo/video of you mauling Hudson's jowls. I love it when you torture the beast....
<3 you always! Ma
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Every cloud has a silver lining....
Dear Lucy,
The phone is here! Hip hip hooray! And Brandice blessed us with chicken! Hip hip hooray! And I found that $20! Hip hip hooray! ANNNNNNND
Dad already found another job!!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY! And he might even come home first :D
So, this is something that I know has happened to most mom's out there, that is pretty embarrassing, and yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny at the same time. At least to me it's embarrassing. So here is my story
When you were about....3 or 4 months old, I was holding you in my arms, and you were sound asleep. I was with a group of people, maybe 10 of us, and someone had brought doughnuts for the group. I snagged a jelly doughnut. OH IT HAD BEEN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long since I'd sunk my teeth into a rich, powdery, jam filled delicacy and I was so ready to savour that delicious, fattening goody. I took a big bite, and it was soooooooooo good. I was sooooooooo was amazing. Doughnuts...are amazing. Anyways, I polished off that doughnut in record time. I restrained myself from enjoying a second one and so just sat with the group talking about whatever we were talking about. About 10 minutes into the discussion, I looked down to treasure my beautiful little baby, and I gasped in horror as my eyes fell upon the HUGEST goop of jam, oozing down the side of your little head. I glanced around in horror, I had to make sure that nobody saw what a horrible, gluttonous mother I was - and though I'm sure somebody noticed all I could think about was hiding the evidence.
So in one swift action, I licked the jam off your head.
I wish I could say that's the only time I've eaten food off your head.
<3 ma
The phone is here! Hip hip hooray! And Brandice blessed us with chicken! Hip hip hooray! And I found that $20! Hip hip hooray! ANNNNNNND
Dad already found another job!!!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY! And he might even come home first :D
So, this is something that I know has happened to most mom's out there, that is pretty embarrassing, and yet SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny at the same time. At least to me it's embarrassing. So here is my story
When you were about....3 or 4 months old, I was holding you in my arms, and you were sound asleep. I was with a group of people, maybe 10 of us, and someone had brought doughnuts for the group. I snagged a jelly doughnut. OH IT HAD BEEN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long since I'd sunk my teeth into a rich, powdery, jam filled delicacy and I was so ready to savour that delicious, fattening goody. I took a big bite, and it was soooooooooo good. I was sooooooooo was amazing. Doughnuts...are amazing. Anyways, I polished off that doughnut in record time. I restrained myself from enjoying a second one and so just sat with the group talking about whatever we were talking about. About 10 minutes into the discussion, I looked down to treasure my beautiful little baby, and I gasped in horror as my eyes fell upon the HUGEST goop of jam, oozing down the side of your little head. I glanced around in horror, I had to make sure that nobody saw what a horrible, gluttonous mother I was - and though I'm sure somebody noticed all I could think about was hiding the evidence.
So in one swift action, I licked the jam off your head.
I wish I could say that's the only time I've eaten food off your head.
<3 ma
Nothing interesting here :/
Dear Lucy,
I think I've found the secret of life. Patience. I swear I've spent my entire life waiting for something. A job, marriage, the house, you, dinner, the laundry, the PHONE REPAIR MAN! I swear if this guy doesn't show up soon I'm going to flip a brick.
Last night I woke up 3 times. The first time around 1:30/2 to the most horrific squealing. Some puppy decided s/he wanted to climb the stairs. Quit 1/2 way up and then was too scared to go back down. Then I got up to let the dogs pee, and then I got up to bring out the garbage. I HATE that I'm pretty much the first house of the day. It says on the recycling to have it out by 8, but the truck is gone by 7:30....grrrrr.
You reminded me today why humans need sleep. It's because right when we wake up, 9 times out of 10 we forget everything about the night/day before and feel 100% ready to take on the day. For about 10 minutes. Then all hell breaks loose. I try to keep you on your own blanket at night. In bed with mom, but laying on a separate little liner. You seem to be some sort of super gymnast, though, and always end up your head almost in the bars of the headboard, and your body perpendicular to me....completely off the mark. This would be alright, except there's always the odd time you decide it will be a-ok to let one go and shart all over the place. This is why I refuse to let you wear cloth to bed. You are a menace, ready to explode at the drop of a hat.
I'm considering strapping you down. Is that illegal?
In other news, I've gotten two more serious puppy buyers. Of course that would mean that all 3 of my favourites would be gone :) But then, it's not like we could have kept them anyways. I've also gotten a couple emails in regards to looking at them, so I guess we'll just have to see what happens! I pray they go quickly so I don't get tooo attached to them.
So, this was more a letter of boredom as opposed to a letter of interest :P Perhaps I should be paying more attention to you shoving dental floss in your mouth.....but then's a good habit to get into....
<3 Mum
I think I've found the secret of life. Patience. I swear I've spent my entire life waiting for something. A job, marriage, the house, you, dinner, the laundry, the PHONE REPAIR MAN! I swear if this guy doesn't show up soon I'm going to flip a brick.
Last night I woke up 3 times. The first time around 1:30/2 to the most horrific squealing. Some puppy decided s/he wanted to climb the stairs. Quit 1/2 way up and then was too scared to go back down. Then I got up to let the dogs pee, and then I got up to bring out the garbage. I HATE that I'm pretty much the first house of the day. It says on the recycling to have it out by 8, but the truck is gone by 7:30....grrrrr.
You reminded me today why humans need sleep. It's because right when we wake up, 9 times out of 10 we forget everything about the night/day before and feel 100% ready to take on the day. For about 10 minutes. Then all hell breaks loose. I try to keep you on your own blanket at night. In bed with mom, but laying on a separate little liner. You seem to be some sort of super gymnast, though, and always end up your head almost in the bars of the headboard, and your body perpendicular to me....completely off the mark. This would be alright, except there's always the odd time you decide it will be a-ok to let one go and shart all over the place. This is why I refuse to let you wear cloth to bed. You are a menace, ready to explode at the drop of a hat.
I'm considering strapping you down. Is that illegal?
In other news, I've gotten two more serious puppy buyers. Of course that would mean that all 3 of my favourites would be gone :) But then, it's not like we could have kept them anyways. I've also gotten a couple emails in regards to looking at them, so I guess we'll just have to see what happens! I pray they go quickly so I don't get tooo attached to them.
So, this was more a letter of boredom as opposed to a letter of interest :P Perhaps I should be paying more attention to you shoving dental floss in your mouth.....but then's a good habit to get into....
<3 Mum
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
You are my sunshine, my ONLY sunshine :/
Dear Lucy,
Some days really suck. It wont take you long after the age of 13 to figure that out (or is it 8 now? man, kids grow up too fast nowadays...). Today was the worst day in a long time for us. Just because everything we were hoping for happened, and then all crashed down in one big pile of MESS.
So I called the phone people and apparently the guy was a big jerk and didn't do his job and so they're sending out an "emergency crew" so that I can actually have a phone tomorrow. Whew. Thank God for that. Unfortunately, Dad got laid off today (surprise?). It wouldn't be our life if a GIANT wrench wasn't thrown in once in awhile (or every second tuesday). I really feel for him since everything is up to him. Must be hard to be the breadwinner. I wish I could help him out with the financial part of it, but I really think I should be home with you. I don't want to fall into the trap so many families do now thinking they need to give more and more and MORE stuff to their kids and neglect to spend time with them. I'm 100% devoted to sacrificing the house, the vehicle, the high speed internet, the cable, the cell phones, the big tv etc so that I can be here with you. You are worth every single second of my day...and up until now...thats about how much we're together :P
I also lost $20. The same $20 I lost before. Only this time I have no idea where it is lol. I'm pretty sure I lost it in church. God wanted to make sure I gave ALL I had I guess :) That's ok, we'll be fine. I'm just wishing I hadn't actually donated the rest of our money LOL.
So just remember, there's always someone worse off than you. And 99.9% of the time that person will be your mom.
<3 ma
edited to add: I forgot to say that there's a reason for the title I chose for this post. After you had a ginormous poo on me while we were playing with the puppies, I brought you up to change you and we had the BEST laugh session ever. We laughed for about 5 minutes straight and then laughed and played for maybe another 5. You just put a big smile on my face in a dark time! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
Some days really suck. It wont take you long after the age of 13 to figure that out (or is it 8 now? man, kids grow up too fast nowadays...). Today was the worst day in a long time for us. Just because everything we were hoping for happened, and then all crashed down in one big pile of MESS.
So I called the phone people and apparently the guy was a big jerk and didn't do his job and so they're sending out an "emergency crew" so that I can actually have a phone tomorrow. Whew. Thank God for that. Unfortunately, Dad got laid off today (surprise?). It wouldn't be our life if a GIANT wrench wasn't thrown in once in awhile (or every second tuesday). I really feel for him since everything is up to him. Must be hard to be the breadwinner. I wish I could help him out with the financial part of it, but I really think I should be home with you. I don't want to fall into the trap so many families do now thinking they need to give more and more and MORE stuff to their kids and neglect to spend time with them. I'm 100% devoted to sacrificing the house, the vehicle, the high speed internet, the cable, the cell phones, the big tv etc so that I can be here with you. You are worth every single second of my day...and up until now...thats about how much we're together :P
I also lost $20. The same $20 I lost before. Only this time I have no idea where it is lol. I'm pretty sure I lost it in church. God wanted to make sure I gave ALL I had I guess :) That's ok, we'll be fine. I'm just wishing I hadn't actually donated the rest of our money LOL.
So just remember, there's always someone worse off than you. And 99.9% of the time that person will be your mom.
<3 ma
edited to add: I forgot to say that there's a reason for the title I chose for this post. After you had a ginormous poo on me while we were playing with the puppies, I brought you up to change you and we had the BEST laugh session ever. We laughed for about 5 minutes straight and then laughed and played for maybe another 5. You just put a big smile on my face in a dark time! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
It's official
Secrets of Lucy Revealed....
Dear Lucy,
If you told me 6 months ago that when you slept on your tummy you slept FOREVER I would have ignored all the "professionals". You've never slept until 10:00. Ever. I'm so excited, I'm considering having a party. You were fussing at 9, and woke me up. Then you passed out again and I got to get up and actually have a normal morning. And shine my sink....which I didn't have a chance to do last night (bahahahhaha SHINY SINK!).
So you did roll onto your tummy yourself, and I probably can't in good faith actually put you on your stomach. But I'm going to pray and pray and PRAY that you keep rolling over :D
We had so many plans today, Lucy. But the delays of the phone guy have thwarted them all. Even our evening plans have changed. We were going to go to city hall and dispute the 5 year financial plan. Now we have to walk a little further and head up to QF for some discussion about the community care team. Hopefully you're cheery today!
Love ma
If you told me 6 months ago that when you slept on your tummy you slept FOREVER I would have ignored all the "professionals". You've never slept until 10:00. Ever. I'm so excited, I'm considering having a party. You were fussing at 9, and woke me up. Then you passed out again and I got to get up and actually have a normal morning. And shine my sink....which I didn't have a chance to do last night (bahahahhaha SHINY SINK!).
So you did roll onto your tummy yourself, and I probably can't in good faith actually put you on your stomach. But I'm going to pray and pray and PRAY that you keep rolling over :D
We had so many plans today, Lucy. But the delays of the phone guy have thwarted them all. Even our evening plans have changed. We were going to go to city hall and dispute the 5 year financial plan. Now we have to walk a little further and head up to QF for some discussion about the community care team. Hopefully you're cheery today!
Love ma
Monday, January 4, 2010
Pain, pain, go away....
Dear My Little Lulu,
You finally passed out. And I do mean passed out, because I'm pretty sure after all that screaming you didn't fall asleep peacefully.
It's hard for me, as someone over the age of 1, to understand the full extent of what your teeny little body is going through right now. I'm pretty sure that 90% of adults would writhe on the floor in agony. I remember having "growing pains" when I was a teenager. All my joints were achy. I thought I had arthritis. But then I always thought I had something horrible. I blame it on my mom for having this "Diagnose Yourself" medical book: Do you have headaches? (check) Are you fatigued? (check) Do you sometimes see things that may or may not be there (check) - YOU HAVE BRAIN CANCER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I wish I was kidding. Anyways, I can't imagine the aches of growing as fast as a baby does, on top of dealing with an immature digestive system (gas HURTS! Believe me, it doesn't get any better!), and pushing out new teeth. And on top of all that, being SOOOOOOO tired from taking in the world every waking minute.
I hope you sleep well tonight! I think I probably will....
until you wake up at 5....all giggly and cute.
Why can't you fall asleep that way?
Love you forever!
You finally passed out. And I do mean passed out, because I'm pretty sure after all that screaming you didn't fall asleep peacefully.
It's hard for me, as someone over the age of 1, to understand the full extent of what your teeny little body is going through right now. I'm pretty sure that 90% of adults would writhe on the floor in agony. I remember having "growing pains" when I was a teenager. All my joints were achy. I thought I had arthritis. But then I always thought I had something horrible. I blame it on my mom for having this "Diagnose Yourself" medical book: Do you have headaches? (check) Are you fatigued? (check) Do you sometimes see things that may or may not be there (check) - YOU HAVE BRAIN CANCER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I wish I was kidding. Anyways, I can't imagine the aches of growing as fast as a baby does, on top of dealing with an immature digestive system (gas HURTS! Believe me, it doesn't get any better!), and pushing out new teeth. And on top of all that, being SOOOOOOO tired from taking in the world every waking minute.
I hope you sleep well tonight! I think I probably will....
until you wake up at 5....all giggly and cute.
Why can't you fall asleep that way?
Love you forever!
I hope you don't inherit this issue I have......
Dear Lucy,
It's impossible to be able to 100% know what you're going to be like when you're older. Though I do have some good guesses.
I have a feeling you're going to be pretty bossy. When my mom says "there's some of you in her too, you know. Not just Brad" I know that's what she means! Maybe you'll even be a bit of a bully! Looks like you got some weight to throw around.
You're going to be a genius. That's a given. No, not because I'm one (bahahahah ;P), but because I can tell when you're looking at're literally taking it apart..piece by piece..and rearranging it again in your head. You know where to find things, and you are already pretty sneaky.....maybe this means nothing. But you're my first so I'll be damned if you aren't a genius :P
You're going to be funny, this is not because of a genetic predisposition (or is it?) it's because you will have no choice. You will likely develop a sense of humour as a defense mechanism, a result of growing up in a home rampant with merciless teasing.
You're probably going to have a temper. This one you can blame on genetics. Sorry.
I could guess about these things all night. And really it doesn't matter all that much, because it's not like I can really change it. I wouldn't want to change it. The best part about having a baby is seeing what was created from two people, and I'm excited to see how you turn out exactly.
Lets just hope you avoid the alcoholism on both sides.....
Soooo, you've finally realized how awesome I am and have started crying when other people hold you. For most people this wouldn't be a good thing, however you and I are never apart anyways, and it makes me feel pretty special :P I'm sure at some point it'll will frustrate me beyond belief, but I'll just deal with that when the time comes. I was kind of wondering if you'd ever "make strange". You seemed to be content with whoever picked you up, and there was no shortage of people wanting to hold you. I'm glad you've decided I'm the one person you want to be close to all the time :D
Because you're kind of stuck with me now! SUCKER!
<3 Ma
It's impossible to be able to 100% know what you're going to be like when you're older. Though I do have some good guesses.
I have a feeling you're going to be pretty bossy. When my mom says "there's some of you in her too, you know. Not just Brad" I know that's what she means! Maybe you'll even be a bit of a bully! Looks like you got some weight to throw around.
You're going to be a genius. That's a given. No, not because I'm one (bahahahah ;P), but because I can tell when you're looking at're literally taking it apart..piece by piece..and rearranging it again in your head. You know where to find things, and you are already pretty sneaky.....maybe this means nothing. But you're my first so I'll be damned if you aren't a genius :P
You're going to be funny, this is not because of a genetic predisposition (or is it?) it's because you will have no choice. You will likely develop a sense of humour as a defense mechanism, a result of growing up in a home rampant with merciless teasing.
You're probably going to have a temper. This one you can blame on genetics. Sorry.
I could guess about these things all night. And really it doesn't matter all that much, because it's not like I can really change it. I wouldn't want to change it. The best part about having a baby is seeing what was created from two people, and I'm excited to see how you turn out exactly.
Lets just hope you avoid the alcoholism on both sides.....
Soooo, you've finally realized how awesome I am and have started crying when other people hold you. For most people this wouldn't be a good thing, however you and I are never apart anyways, and it makes me feel pretty special :P I'm sure at some point it'll will frustrate me beyond belief, but I'll just deal with that when the time comes. I was kind of wondering if you'd ever "make strange". You seemed to be content with whoever picked you up, and there was no shortage of people wanting to hold you. I'm glad you've decided I'm the one person you want to be close to all the time :D
Because you're kind of stuck with me now! SUCKER!
<3 Ma
Not so cute are you!
Dear Lucy,
I love you. But I crossed my heart and swore to die that everytime you pinch my skin while eating I'm going to embarrass you in some way in the future. Today just happens to be the first of many.
We all realize that not everyone is photogenic. You've been pretty lucky so far. However, thanks to Dad we were able to capture this fine moment on film. You probably don't even know what film is....:/ On our digital camera :D (Remind me to tell you about polaroids one day ROFL). Anyways, this piece of work is by far one of my favourite pictures of you and describing it would never do it justice, so I'll just let everyone else judge.
Maybe one day you'll think twice before revvin up the pincers. Jerk baby.
<3 Ma
Oh ya...ahahahhaa
I love you. But I crossed my heart and swore to die that everytime you pinch my skin while eating I'm going to embarrass you in some way in the future. Today just happens to be the first of many.
We all realize that not everyone is photogenic. You've been pretty lucky so far. However, thanks to Dad we were able to capture this fine moment on film. You probably don't even know what film is....:/ On our digital camera :D (Remind me to tell you about polaroids one day ROFL). Anyways, this piece of work is by far one of my favourite pictures of you and describing it would never do it justice, so I'll just let everyone else judge.
Maybe one day you'll think twice before revvin up the pincers. Jerk baby.
<3 Ma
Oh ya...ahahahhaa

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Dear Lucy,
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then this movie is worth about 100,000,000! I wish that I had movies of me when I was a baby. Hopefully
Oh crap, you just peed on my floor. Thats what I get for leaving you naked and unattended. I'll finish this later! <3
Love ya!
Ok well all is cleaned up and this movie is still uploading. And you are now clothed and munching away on a little something special I whipped up in about 1/2 a second.
So I'm trying to remember why I left off with "hopefully". I'm going to assume: Hopefully you'll appreciate these when you're older (and hopefully it works)! Especially since Grandma's camcorder records in some obsolete format. About a million people have tried to tell me how to convert it but WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRr. I suck at computers :/ Dad can do it when he gets back.
So I'm scouring the paper and other news sources online for events for us to participate in. Technically, I guess we have a lot of things going on, I just want more exciting things :D Greedy? Maybe! For instance, we went to church today. That was exciting. We walked there and it was the first time you've stayed awake for a walk to that part of town. 40 minutes of walking! And you managed to stay awake for the rest of the service. That's pretty good for you! And you slept the entire way home.
Ok, our life is pretty boring. Next week brings the reigniting of the community care team, baby groups (1,2 and 3!), boxing (if you can handle it ROFL....and if I can find a way there....), lawyer calls, blood donating, uncle bob's birthday and...duh duhduh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, PAYDAY!
First one in a long time. Now that is exciting.
over and out
I remember when you were so small,
Dear Lucy,
I remember when you were so small. I say this to people and they look at me like I'm crazy....what are you talking about, Lady!? She's only 6 months old! And yes, this is true. My head will probably explode on your 20th birthday. But thank God I'm not there yet. At this point in time I am sitting here staring at you and laughing about having to send Dad to wally world to get some preemie diapers right after you were born, because right at this moment I can see a red mark around the circumference of your head, left by a hat intended for an 18 month old. You definitely have a big head.
Most people would say it's to hold all your brains...but I'm going to be honest. It's because your dad has a big head. A really big head. Just pray that you have more brain in there than he does ;) j/k Brad...I love you :D
I finally found the tape measure and measured how long you are, too! 27" long. You were born 19" that's pretty good! 8 inches in 6 months....and you weigh about 17 1/2 lbs...having started at 6'6oz and dropping to 5'14oz that means that in 6 months you've gained 12 lb 6oz...thats pretty good, too :D...I think my math is right,lol. You can tell me when you're old enough to figure it out. Phil should be a pretty good teacher.
I'm trying to think up some fun things for us to do now that Dad will be working out of town regularly. I'm already planning our trip to Vancouver for the Olympics protest..but that depends on whether or not all the pups are sold by then. (If anybody has any suggestions of fun things to do with a younger baby please comment below!). I'd like to be able to write some interesting stuff for you to reflect on :P As much as I'd love to, I can only write so many times about how good you are at shoving your feet into your mouth.
And how your friggin fingernails grow at warp speed into little talons. The marks on my body that look like stretch marks....yeah...thanks Lucy for the daily clawings.
<3 Ma
I remember when you were so small. I say this to people and they look at me like I'm crazy....what are you talking about, Lady!? She's only 6 months old! And yes, this is true. My head will probably explode on your 20th birthday. But thank God I'm not there yet. At this point in time I am sitting here staring at you and laughing about having to send Dad to wally world to get some preemie diapers right after you were born, because right at this moment I can see a red mark around the circumference of your head, left by a hat intended for an 18 month old. You definitely have a big head.
Most people would say it's to hold all your brains...but I'm going to be honest. It's because your dad has a big head. A really big head. Just pray that you have more brain in there than he does ;) j/k Brad...I love you :D
I finally found the tape measure and measured how long you are, too! 27" long. You were born 19" that's pretty good! 8 inches in 6 months....and you weigh about 17 1/2 lbs...having started at 6'6oz and dropping to 5'14oz that means that in 6 months you've gained 12 lb 6oz...thats pretty good, too :D...I think my math is right,lol. You can tell me when you're old enough to figure it out. Phil should be a pretty good teacher.
I'm trying to think up some fun things for us to do now that Dad will be working out of town regularly. I'm already planning our trip to Vancouver for the Olympics protest..but that depends on whether or not all the pups are sold by then. (If anybody has any suggestions of fun things to do with a younger baby please comment below!). I'd like to be able to write some interesting stuff for you to reflect on :P As much as I'd love to, I can only write so many times about how good you are at shoving your feet into your mouth.
And how your friggin fingernails grow at warp speed into little talons. The marks on my body that look like stretch marks....yeah...thanks Lucy for the daily clawings.
<3 Ma
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I wish I was 6 months old sometimes....
Dear Lulu,
Ever seen the movie Freaky Friday? hahahaha. Ok I know you haven't. Not yet - but maybe by the time you read this you'll know what I'm talking about. Except the new one will be the old one to you....but whatever...the point is that sometimes it's so hard for me to not want to switch places with you.
Just earlier today I was thinking about how life is so much more complicated than I ever thought it would be. So many decisions, so many worries. The more I thought about it the more concerned I became about you coming to terms with it when you get out in the world on your own. So guess what...Ma has some advice.
Life is not in itself difficult. We just make it that way. FOR EXAMPLE! On New Years Eve your grandma Maizy came by. She gave me 20 bucks and said she wanted me to celebrate her birthday with her hahaha :) I planned on using it to buy groceries as right now you and I have a 10 dollar bill and a change jar to last us the next week and a bit. And then I lost it. And it was like the world crashed down on top of me. HOW WAS I GOING TO BUY GROCERIES!??!? Then I realized I was going to do it the exact same way I was going to do it before Maizy gave me that 20 dollars. I was fine before I had it and I was going to be just fine now that it was gone. But once you have experienced the power of holding money you didn't have in your hand its hard to remember what it was like when you didn't have the best advice I can give you about taking care of your physical needs in times of need is to just trust in God. It's taken me 25 years to figure out what He contributes to our time spent here on earth. I pray that you will figure it out much sooner, and not take it for granted. The simpler you keep things the richer and fuller your life will be.
What I'm trying to say is 1) Money is a necessity, but you don't need a lot of it to experience life and 2) Don't bother asking us for any, because if we had any to begin with, mom probably lost it on the street somewhere.
<3 Ma
PS. I found it later on that night in the park where I ran the dogs :) Desperate times call for desperate measures, lemonaid.
Ever seen the movie Freaky Friday? hahahaha. Ok I know you haven't. Not yet - but maybe by the time you read this you'll know what I'm talking about. Except the new one will be the old one to you....but whatever...the point is that sometimes it's so hard for me to not want to switch places with you.
Just earlier today I was thinking about how life is so much more complicated than I ever thought it would be. So many decisions, so many worries. The more I thought about it the more concerned I became about you coming to terms with it when you get out in the world on your own. So guess what...Ma has some advice.
Life is not in itself difficult. We just make it that way. FOR EXAMPLE! On New Years Eve your grandma Maizy came by. She gave me 20 bucks and said she wanted me to celebrate her birthday with her hahaha :) I planned on using it to buy groceries as right now you and I have a 10 dollar bill and a change jar to last us the next week and a bit. And then I lost it. And it was like the world crashed down on top of me. HOW WAS I GOING TO BUY GROCERIES!??!? Then I realized I was going to do it the exact same way I was going to do it before Maizy gave me that 20 dollars. I was fine before I had it and I was going to be just fine now that it was gone. But once you have experienced the power of holding money you didn't have in your hand its hard to remember what it was like when you didn't have the best advice I can give you about taking care of your physical needs in times of need is to just trust in God. It's taken me 25 years to figure out what He contributes to our time spent here on earth. I pray that you will figure it out much sooner, and not take it for granted. The simpler you keep things the richer and fuller your life will be.
What I'm trying to say is 1) Money is a necessity, but you don't need a lot of it to experience life and 2) Don't bother asking us for any, because if we had any to begin with, mom probably lost it on the street somewhere.
<3 Ma
PS. I found it later on that night in the park where I ran the dogs :) Desperate times call for desperate measures, lemonaid.
Oh for the love of God
Would you please use your jolly jumper?
Would you please stop pushing dishes off the desk?
Would you please stop smashing my cup into my face when I take a drink?
Would you PLEASE stop pinching me when you're eating?
Would you please just let me sit for 5 minutes?
and Thank you :D
Would you please stop pushing dishes off the desk?
Would you please stop smashing my cup into my face when I take a drink?
Would you PLEASE stop pinching me when you're eating?
Would you please just let me sit for 5 minutes?
and Thank you :D
Good morning sunshine....
Dear Lucy,
You woke me up this morning, babbling away, wayyyyyyyy too early. I think this must be the #1 reason people don't agree with bedsharing. They don't care about smothering their baby, they just don't want to be woken up at 5am to that awful excited squeal that only babies can perfect. Anyways, when I saw that you were wide awake and ready to go (and you saw my eye crack open the smallest bit) it was a little trickier to just lay there and pretend I was up I got. Great, Now I had to think of things I could do that don't require my mind and body to work in complete unison... These days call to be started with a bath.
It was nice when Dad was home. I could get in, he'd pass you over and that was that. Now until I sit down and have you in my lap and playing with the rubber ducky I've got you in a death grip. And getting in is the easy part. Getting out of the tub with a slithery, wiggly little beast like you is a challenge few people would tackle. Good thing mom's a little crazy to begin with.
So we're in the tub. I've filled it with bubbles. I'm laying down and your sitting on my tummy. I put the duck in front of you and you grab it by the throat like it's days are over, and proceed to smash its little head into your toothless mouth. Thank god for plastic. You grin evilly and attempt to fit the rest in. God rest his little soul.
Relaxing in the tub, I can even wash my hair when you're in this position. And so I did! Dunk my hair in the water, lather up and rinse. Sooooooooooo relaxed.......who said having a baby was hard work?
I sit up, feeling more awake, ready to watch my precious baby play with her toys for another 10 minutes. I look at you, you look at me. A big smile explodes on your face........
just as a big crap explodes out your bum. You have got to be kidding me. I'm covered in curry coloured butt juice.
Showering with a baby......not quite the spa experience I was hoping for.
Love ma.
You woke me up this morning, babbling away, wayyyyyyyy too early. I think this must be the #1 reason people don't agree with bedsharing. They don't care about smothering their baby, they just don't want to be woken up at 5am to that awful excited squeal that only babies can perfect. Anyways, when I saw that you were wide awake and ready to go (and you saw my eye crack open the smallest bit) it was a little trickier to just lay there and pretend I was up I got. Great, Now I had to think of things I could do that don't require my mind and body to work in complete unison... These days call to be started with a bath.
It was nice when Dad was home. I could get in, he'd pass you over and that was that. Now until I sit down and have you in my lap and playing with the rubber ducky I've got you in a death grip. And getting in is the easy part. Getting out of the tub with a slithery, wiggly little beast like you is a challenge few people would tackle. Good thing mom's a little crazy to begin with.
So we're in the tub. I've filled it with bubbles. I'm laying down and your sitting on my tummy. I put the duck in front of you and you grab it by the throat like it's days are over, and proceed to smash its little head into your toothless mouth. Thank god for plastic. You grin evilly and attempt to fit the rest in. God rest his little soul.
Relaxing in the tub, I can even wash my hair when you're in this position. And so I did! Dunk my hair in the water, lather up and rinse. Sooooooooooo relaxed.......who said having a baby was hard work?
I sit up, feeling more awake, ready to watch my precious baby play with her toys for another 10 minutes. I look at you, you look at me. A big smile explodes on your face........
just as a big crap explodes out your bum. You have got to be kidding me. I'm covered in curry coloured butt juice.
Showering with a baby......not quite the spa experience I was hoping for.
Love ma.
Dear Lucy,
Tonight I watched you fall asleep, like really watched, for the first time. It was silent - just the hums of our old house, and dark - but I could still see that your eyes were open. In each of your tiny hands you held one finger from my left hand. And we just stared at each other. We just laid there and stared at each other and as your eyes shut your little hands let go, little by little...until you let yourself turn today off and prepare your little body for tomorrow.
I don't know why I didn't pay that much attention before.
Tonight I watched you fall asleep, like really watched, for the first time. It was silent - just the hums of our old house, and dark - but I could still see that your eyes were open. In each of your tiny hands you held one finger from my left hand. And we just stared at each other. We just laid there and stared at each other and as your eyes shut your little hands let go, little by little...until you let yourself turn today off and prepare your little body for tomorrow.
I don't know why I didn't pay that much attention before.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Had to do it
Dear Lulu,
Phil has reminded me that the point of this is spontaneity. I didn't really want to look like a keener or anything but I have to remember that this is for you and no one else.
I was going to write about how much fun you have with the dogs, and how Daisy and Hudson are so protective of you and love it when you play with them.....
but, it's 10 o'clock in the evening, and I'm feeding you. And I'm just so amazed at how beautiful you are. You're this perfect little baby. And when you look at me...well....sometimes you look like you know just how perfect you are...and that scares the hell out of me. But sometimes you just look so happy, so content to just be where you are, attached to ma at the boob.. sucking the life force out of me.
You'll know what I mean when you're older.
I love you so much,
Phil has reminded me that the point of this is spontaneity. I didn't really want to look like a keener or anything but I have to remember that this is for you and no one else.
I was going to write about how much fun you have with the dogs, and how Daisy and Hudson are so protective of you and love it when you play with them.....
but, it's 10 o'clock in the evening, and I'm feeding you. And I'm just so amazed at how beautiful you are. You're this perfect little baby. And when you look at me...well....sometimes you look like you know just how perfect you are...and that scares the hell out of me. But sometimes you just look so happy, so content to just be where you are, attached to ma at the boob.. sucking the life force out of me.
You'll know what I mean when you're older.
I love you so much,
A new year!
Dear Lucy,
Mr. Phil (with any luck - your future math teacher) has convinced me to start a blog and I decided to write you letters because, if I'm going to be honest, I'm a horrible writer. I'm taking the "Blogging for Dummies" approach.
It is now 2010. You will have absolutely no recollection of this date in your life, but believe happened! Since this is technically for your future old age....I should update you I guess. You are 5 months and a couple weeks....whatever that means. You'll be six months old in 6 days. Maybe we'll have a party...maybe you'll end up eating dog hair off the floor...guess we wont know till we get there. A week is like eternity for you. I think.
I've been thinking about some new years resolutions, and of course have come up with some pretty straight forward ones: eat better, exercise more, be a good wife, keep my house clean, spend more time with the dogs. And of course, be a good mom. But I can't really decide what a "good" mom might be. What can I possibly do to be a better mom to a 6 month old. You've already fallen off a chair, and the couch. Yesterday you bashed your head on the coffee table and already today you smashed it on my desk. But I guess it's easier for you to love me if you're slightly brain damaged....
In all seriousness though, I look forward to spending this year with you and you alone (and the dogs of course.....). I have a few exciting plans for us, and it's even better that you're at the age that you are just along for the ride and wont complain.
First stop: Protesting the olympics in Vancouver next month. Even more fun now that Grandma starts her new job with VANOC muahahahahah >:]
Love you lots!
Mr. Phil (with any luck - your future math teacher) has convinced me to start a blog and I decided to write you letters because, if I'm going to be honest, I'm a horrible writer. I'm taking the "Blogging for Dummies" approach.
It is now 2010. You will have absolutely no recollection of this date in your life, but believe happened! Since this is technically for your future old age....I should update you I guess. You are 5 months and a couple weeks....whatever that means. You'll be six months old in 6 days. Maybe we'll have a party...maybe you'll end up eating dog hair off the floor...guess we wont know till we get there. A week is like eternity for you. I think.
I've been thinking about some new years resolutions, and of course have come up with some pretty straight forward ones: eat better, exercise more, be a good wife, keep my house clean, spend more time with the dogs. And of course, be a good mom. But I can't really decide what a "good" mom might be. What can I possibly do to be a better mom to a 6 month old. You've already fallen off a chair, and the couch. Yesterday you bashed your head on the coffee table and already today you smashed it on my desk. But I guess it's easier for you to love me if you're slightly brain damaged....
In all seriousness though, I look forward to spending this year with you and you alone (and the dogs of course.....). I have a few exciting plans for us, and it's even better that you're at the age that you are just along for the ride and wont complain.
First stop: Protesting the olympics in Vancouver next month. Even more fun now that Grandma starts her new job with VANOC muahahahahah >:]
Love you lots!
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