Monday, March 15, 2010

I forgotted

Dear Lucy,
I've noticed a trend, as you get older, I blog less. Must have something to do with...oh I don't being so freaking demanding...

Your tooth is just sitting there torturing you and there's not much I can do to help you with it. So that means you have been essentially screaming all day. You only sleep when attached to a boob. Which in turn means that I get nothing done. Including blogging. Though I suppose I could blog while feeding you....but that requires planning. Sort the time you can read these letters you will have realized that planning is not my strong suit.

You said Duck today. There is no doubt about it in my mind. You were playing with the rubber duck. You looked at it and said..."DUHK" so I played a little game with you and you said it a few more times. So it's official. Your first word. Maybe I'm looking into it too much, but it was pretty apparent to me.

Most baby's say "dada" or "mama" first. Guess we know where your priorities lie....

You also pulled a little stunt where you tried to stand up on your own. I'm 100% positive it ended in a face plant...because I watched you and it was hilarious. But it's scaring the crap out of me. I can hardly handle crawling. If you walk early I'll just lock you in the dog crate at night with a bowl of water and some toys. Maybe my mornings will be a little more peaceful. At least you wont whine when you have to pee like the dogs! PRAISE JESUS FOR DIAPERS!

AND!!!! You've started eating a little better. Today you had some thoop with me. Good ol homemade....soup....I can't even tell you what kind since I made it up. SOOO delicious. And you had some rice cereal masked in some sort of oatmeal/apple jarred stuff you seem to like.

And then you had a big girl poop.


I love you!


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