Monday, March 8, 2010

All I want for easter is my two front teeth!

Dear Lulu,
It's happened! It's REALLY happened! You have a tooth. Ok so it's like..a sliver of a tooth, but it's there! FOR REAL! I've been waiting months for this moment, and yet praying that it would never come....I've been thinking all day about what sort of changes this means for us....something so small is such an interruption :P For instance, now I have to brush your teeth. Ok not such a big deal...but one more thing I have to worry about. Also, how will this affect our nursing!? Hopefully not at all, but I know you well enough to know that you will use every chance you get to remind me that you've grown some pearly whites...or a pearly white. Whatever.... It's also going to change how you look. I've grown so accustomed to your gummy little smile. I'm going to miss it for sure. I figure I wont be around when you get to the point in your life that your back to toothless, and if I am....well you definitely wont be as cute as you are now...

I know it's just another stage but for some reason that little cut in your gum with the little white sliver is FREAKIN ME OUT!

In other news, you may well have started talking. I didn't make the connection at first, but today it clicked that you were pointing at Hudson and saying "DAH. DAH!" I think you're saying "DOG" LOL. Like Jessica said today...most babies learn "Dad" first because the Mom is always saying it...but since Dad's gone, you get to listen to me complain about the dogs :D I'll keep my ears open and see if you keep it up, but it's been a couple days now... It's pretty cute.


You had a butt rash today. The first in almost ever....I was pretty excited to get to use the vaseline again. I only have about a million giant tubs of it.....


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