Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's been WAYYYY too long

Dear Lucy,
I'm sorry I haven't been on top of this whole deal :D It's been over 20 days! LOL. I've just been completely swamped. You are crawling around like crazy. Wouldn't seem like it so much to the outside world but I think you're so stunned when we're in a new place that you put your brakes on and investigate from a safe spot...but when we're home you've got a little motor going and I can hardly keep up :/ On top of that I've got the puppy still...looks like we're keeping him. You'll know him as Tripper, or Trip as I call him for short, because all dogs need a nickname....He's possibly the smartest puppy I've ever met, but for some reason I can't get rid of him. However, he's still a puppy and he takes A LOT of time. House training him would be so easy if I didn't have to worry about bringing you outside with me. Sometimes I leave you in the playpen (forgive me...LOL), but it has to be done. At least I can hear you screaming from outside ;)

Dad finally found a job! But he said today that he might come home on Friday if they don't have another rig for him to go to. It sounds like they should have a spot for him, but I don't think it would be good for him to come home. I don't know :/ I'm still not sure what God wants exactly. I get so excited for things and they crash down all around me constantly so I'm just going to let this ride go and not get upset if it doesn't work out. But Dad's been doing good at his job and I know everything will work out regardless of what happens.

We've also been busy with baby groups, and you've been going boxing with me :D While it's a joy to have you with me, it sure is stressful. On top of all this I'm TRYING to keep the house clean. Between me being in and out of the house and the dogs it's pretty much a full time job sweeping alone, nevermind the rest of it :/

SOOO, that's my long winded apology. It would sure be nice to relax :D

I'm really enjoying my time with you. You've changed SOOO much in the last few weeks. It's really amazing. I love how much you laugh now. You find so many things funny you fill my heart with love every time your eyes light up. You are one fantastical kid.

Except you're STILL teething. Get over it already......if those teeth don't pop out soon I'm gonna pull them through myself. At least I don't have to wake up at night to "console" yourself. Oh the joys of bed-sharing.....

Love always, mom

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